Rough day huh buddy?
Gotta transcribe the reports from jan in accounting?
Conduct inventory for the new warehouse?
Nah...todays long division at school and his soggy bowl of cheerios ain't doing much to solve the headache.
But I know something that will..
A cup of hot joe. Folgers. Cream and sugar.
I don't know about you, but when I was in elementary school I drank capri suns and sunny d. Oh yea, and those chocolate milks in silicone bags that resembled something I wouldn't learn about until I started taking an interest in the opposite sex.
I wasn't allowed to drink coffee until I was 16. But I was talking to my friend the other day and she told me about one of her 4th grade students drinking starbucks during the zoom-class session.
If it was still 2020 i'd understand (nothing suprised me during that demonic year). But 4th graders drinking coffee! Now?! In todays world??
I don't know...maybe i'm freaking ut over nothing. But that seems crazy to me.
Anyways, I wrote an email about the story. Check it out below.
Subject line: so a 4th-grader walks into a starbucks...
I couldn’t drink coffee until I was a senior in high school.
My dad wouldn’t let me drink it before then.
But I was talking to my friend on Wednesday...and she teaches 4th grade.
She told me a story about one of her students who can’t stay awake during zoom classes. She’ll catch him nodding off. Drooling on his papers. And sometimes sprawled out on his bed.
My friend had a discussion with the kids parents and said, “Something NEEDS to change.”
So, did anything change?
This week my friend noticed something different with the boy. Something he was drinking…
The kid was sipping a “venti-iced-caramel-frappuccino” (in his words).
My friend was in shock. A 9 year old boy drinking a sugar-bomb infused with caffeine??
The parents needed to fix a problem and did so by making it worse. Combating the child's drowsiness with 2 drugs; sugar and caffeine.
Now, no judgements here...the parents can raise their child how they want.
But slapping a band-aid on an open wound rarely solves the problem.
The worst part is…
I see this all the time with people new to keto.
You might take a problem like not losing as much weight as you expected. Or an insatiable craving for carbs...and “solve” the problem by making it worse…
Either by giving up on keto or starting to eat “cheat” meals all the time. Both of which do nothing to solve the real problem and take you farther away from your goals.
You solve the problem of falling asleep during the day by getting more sleep.
Just like you solve the problem of carb cravings by eating keto-friendly carb alternatives.
If you’re looking for a carb alternative that will help you succeed on keto, then go buy yourself a bag of my [product] at the link…
>>> Click for the right way to satisfy your carb cravings and still succeed on keto
Some say it tastes BETTER than a “venti-iced-caramel-frappuccino” ;)
Talk soon.
[FIRST NAME] “had her first cup of coffee at 17” [LAST NAME]