(Sorry for the shttiy quality...i really liked the picture)
This is probably one of my favorite emails...that I've wrote. I thought it was really good. AAAaaannndd now I'll stop tooting my on horn (but I did like it)
I wrote it for a personal finance / investing blog. He talked a lot about credit cards and cutting down your debt.
This email talks about that.
Without further ah-doo...
Sub line: Slaying the debt demons
The demons haunt you 6 days a week.
They send curses in the mail every day except Sunday (fittingly).
0% apr for 12 months
FREE $600 if you spend $2,000 in your first 3 months
ZERO interest for 6 months
Withdraw your wildest dreams when you deposit your soul.
Okay that last one doesn’t happen.
But these demons harass nonstop with offerings and deals.
It is relentless.
And when you have bills to pay and mouths to feed it can be hard to ignore their call.
The shiny envelopes with a replica of your “new” credit card already inside. The promise of $X limit...ironically just the amount you need to cover your expenses for the month. They play on YOUR livelihood. YOUR basic needs. YOUR well being and survival. The survival of YOUR family.
But they don’t care about any of those.
They just want you to sign the dotted line so there’s a chance you won’t make a payment.
And that’s when the demons feast.
The piling up of interest is their hellfire, and your debt is purgatory.
It’s the same old tale of Lucifer offering Eve the apple.
Or the devil offering to turn stones into bread for a hungry and lost Jesus.
Sinister motives cloaked as your most important needs for survival.
It’s the same story.
Except now the demons use different bait.
The truth is, it’s not entirely your fault.
When you’re a provider there’s things you need money for. Sometimes credit cards are the only option. But the tempting “features” and “perks” turn into sinister curses and before long you find yourself drowning in payments.
And the reason you’re struggling with credit card debt is NOT for lack of trying.
I know you work your butt off to provide for yourself and your family.
The problem is the terms and conditions of your credit card change and you’re no longer able to catch up with the interest and payments.
And it pisses me off to see good people get taken advantage of by these blood thirsty credit card companies.
The worst part?
The average household carries $9k in credit card debt with an average APR of just over 17%.
That’s over $120 added to your monthly statement. Over $1,500 a year if no action is taken.
Credit card companies prey on your need to survive and relish the idea of you being trapped in a hole of debt.
But, here’s the thing…
You HAVE options and there IS light at the end of your tunnel.
There’s a plan to help you refinance your debt, organize your debt, and pay it down.
A blueprint for paying down your debts in a way that saves you time and money.
Worksheets that offer structure and act as a guide through it all.
This plan has helped millions of others pay down their debt.
You just need to take action on this plan.
“Okay, but how do you know this plan will work for ME?”
Good question and I’m glad you asked.
I’ve personally seen it work for others.
And I have one goal.
To help you out of your debt and onto the path of financial freedom.
To help you settle your debts and start earning rather than losing.
To see that you’re relieved from the stress and anxiety of monthly credit card payments and the dreaded calls.
To help you vanquish the debt demons once and for all.
If you want access to my debt repayment plan then check it out at the link.
<<< LINK >>>
I look forward to going to war with you.
Talk soon.