Can we go out on a limb here and say gladiators are some of the most badass characters in history?
Maybe blood sport isn't your's not really mine either. But, I do like to watch UFC...does that count?
Besides the killing and decapitations, these men & women had the mental fortitude of a god.
Think about it.
You're sent out into a chaotic battle arena with shoddy armor and weapons. Nobody cares about you, heck, they WANT you to die. You're surrounded by a dozen other crazies. There's no rules or precautions AND there might be wild animals thrown in the mix too if you're lucky.
If you survived more than one of these things, let alone 10, you're a bonafide badass with supreme mental toughness.
Imagine if a gladiator applied their mental toughness to finances?
Subject line: Are you not entertained....with your finances?
We all know that we should be saving more money.
However, 60% of Americans have less than $1,000 in the bank.
But before I get into that…
Let’s talk about Gladiators.
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Russel Crowe isn’t the only one who wants to know if his audience is entertained. If you feel like my emails are providing value for your financial situation...shoot me a reply and let me know. Seriously. I’d love to hear back from you.
Anyways, the most famous gladiator of all time (according to goo-gull) was a guy named Flamma. Now, this Flamma fought 34 times...winning 21 times...drawing 9 times….and losing only 4 times. Now you’re probably thinking what I’m thinking…
“If a gladiator loses doesn’t that mean he’s dead?”
Good question.
That I cannot answer…
But what I can tell you is this guy Flamma had the heart of a lion.
Losing in the gladiator pit surrounded by thousands of citizens foaming at the mouth with blood thirsty screams has to be a hardening experience. Losing 4 times means this guy Flamma survived the emperor's discretion, citizens favor, and opponents sword 4 TIMES!!
On the brink of death- Flamma found a way through every time.
His resilience is profound. His bravery is unwavering. And his fortitude unmatched.
Now if Flamma was transported through time to the present day do you think he’d be unstoppable in his aspirations?
I say hell yea.
This dude would be unstoppable.
He’d have the song, “Can’t touch this” by MC Hammer following him everywhere he went.
Whatever he put his mind too he’d get done. His mental fortitude would be unrivaled.
I bet Flamma would get himself into financial trouble just to prove he could get himself out.
Okay...maybe he wouldn’t…
But I do guarantee Flamma would have his finances under control…
And that he’d have more than $1,000 in the bank.
Because Flamma would understand the virtues of living frugal.
Heck, his life was in jeopardy on a consistent basis. One move beyond his means and game over. Flamma would know that surviving anywhere in the world, whether it be a gladiator pit or a rat race, required frugality and reason. If Flamma did anything he couldn’t afford to do, it could mean the end for him.
What's this mean for you?
If you’re struggling to make it from paycheck to paycheck and want to make a change, then be like Flamma.
Now I know you’re not a gladiator (if you are DM NOW) but developing the mental fortitude to get in control of your finances doesn’t require a gladiators strength.
You just need to implement a game plan and develop responsible financial habits.
All it takes is a couple changes to your behavior.
And once you stick with your new behaviors and condition yourself to abide by’ll see lasting change.
And the best part…
You don’t have to fight in a gladiator pit 31 times to learn these secrets and strategies…
All YOU have to do is click the link…
I’ve done the rest…
>>> {link to website*}
Talk soon,
{company name*} “wants to buy a gladiator sword on ebay” {company name*}
*Omitted for privacy