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Writer's pictureIan Scott

Have you ever experienced "Quid-Pro Keto?"

It means I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine.

There was a lot of talk about this word last summer...I'm sure you've heard it thrown around quite a bit.

Why is it in latin?

No idea.

Do I like the word?


It implies helping someone and getting something in return. I like to help people...I don't expect anything in return....but if it happens, I'm not complaining.


Something like this happened to me at a restaurant I go to a lot.

I got a back scratch in advance of scratching someone elses...and I must say....

It feels good to get your back sratched first.

I wrote this a couple months ago.

I hope it satisfies you more than a back scratch.

If not....just go to Chipotle.


Sub line: Quid-pro-keto at chipotle

Have you ever gotten hooked up at a local restaurant you go to often?

Even if you haven’t you’ll still wanna keep reading...let me explain...

Getting hooked up at your local restaurant is awesome. You feel like a VIP with some gucci shades on and look at other patrons like...

(Do you even come here often?)

It’s a cool feeling knowing you’re being recognized and that the staff actually likes you.

Anyways, this happened to my friend the other day.

He walked into his favorite post-workout restaurant not called chipotle and was helped by one of the girls that worked there every Wednesday. They hadn’t talked much before. A little small talk: how have you been...yea todays another’s the roasted chili-corn salsa lookin’ today? General customer-employee chit chat ya know.

But today was different. The conversation took an interesting twist and they started talking about desserts of all things.

And it just so happened my friend worked at a really famous bakery. A famous bakery the girl knew and LOVED. She really liked one of the cakes they sold there too. My friend being the nice guy that he is decided to tell the girl he had a little surprise coming her way…

She smiled. She knew exactly what he was talking about.

My friend continued down the line and pulled out his wallet ready to pay.

The cashier said $6.89. My friend said huh?

His usual chicken bowl, chips and guac was normally a cool 13 bucks.

“Why is it cheaper today?”

“Oh Catherine gave you her discount.”

My friend looked back over the glass and saw the employee he had been talking to, smiling.

She had given him her employee discount. She scratched his back after he hinted that he would scratch hers.

Before my friend had even brought her the cake she was saying thank you. She took his word. Blindly trusting his promise and taking a huge leap of faith...

Not to say she was foolish (my friend brought her the cake a few days later).

So why am I telling you this?

Because being on the keto diet can sometimes feel like a giant leap of faith.

You hear the promise of how amazing it’ll make you feel.

You’re told to trust the process.

And most of the time all you’re relying upon is someone's word (whether it be a friend who is on keto, a doctor or even me).

But taking the leap of faith, sticking to the process and keeping your own word….really does pay off in the end. Even though it can feel tough at times. That’s where the faith comes in. But I promise you if you reward that faith and don’t discount your ability...

Your energy levels will increase, you’ll look and feel better and you’ll even get to have your cake and eat it too ;)

But, if you’d rather have some cake now then grab some at the link…

>>> Click here for an infamous {Product name} that keeps the faith

Otherwise, talk soon.

{First name} “wears.. her.. suuuunglassses at night... in chipotle” {Last name}

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