That's a picture of me and my dad after I won the 1932 U.S. Open.
I was definitely a hero back then. Now? Not so much. But, I'm working hard to return to my former glory.
I wrote this email while in Ian Stanley's 8020 email copy crash course. I liked it. It felt natural writing it...who knows...maybe one day I'll be able to use it.
But I had a bit of writers block as I started it. Why?
Because when a template is called "hero story" it's only natural to think "what the hell have I done that's hero worthy? I'm just a normal dude who won a U.S. Open decades ago."
But seriously. If I asked you right now what makes YOU hero worthy....would you have an answer right away? Or, would you have to sit and think for a second.
There's no right answer. You shouldn't be expected to have an answer right off top. And that's okay.
But, I think everyone does have one.....if they stop and think about it fully. It just requires you to dig a little deeper. Something many of us don't do on an everyday basis....
Anyways, this is what I came up with after I did a little thinkin' and sittin'.
Sub line: Dishpit confessions of an aspiring copywriter
“Everyone wants to be a bodybuilder...but nobody wants to lift heavy ass weight!”
Think I heard this line during one of those YT rabbit hole sessions. (you know what I’m talking about)
I thought it was funny. And it’s also true.
Most weightlifters want to be super buff and ripped but they don’t want to do what’s necessary to get there.
They’ll eat like a sparrow.
Never increase the weight or reps during their workouts.
And they’ll skip the gym on too many occasions.
It’s the same with money.
Everyone wants to be rich but nobody wants to do the work.
We live in a time of “get rich quick” schemes and 16 year olds in Lambos telling us how we should invest our money in the stock market.
But the crazy thing is…
People actually believe a lot of this nonsense.
Heck, I’ve even fallen for it on a few occasions.
Because the thing is...I want to be rich.
I don’t care if you think that’s evil. Because I’m not greedy, I just like freedom.
And when you’re waiting tables you’ll never find this financial freedom.
That’s how it all happened for me.
One slow night shift years ago I was bussing a table and as I walked to the dish pit I had a eureka moment. I told myself f!*# this shit. I need to learn a skill that can make me more money. I don’t want a boss, I don’t want a schedule. I want to be able to do what I want, when I want.
I went home that night and typed into goo-gull “how to make money online”.
2 years and 16 lambos later I found email copywriting.
Do I wish I had found it earlier? Hell yea.
But am I happy I found it. Of course.
I went through affiliate marketing. Dropshipping. Selling shit on Etsy….
But to be honest, I hated them all. The only thing I did like was writing blog posts for my blog (while affiliate marketing). But, SEO is damn near impossible. Ranking on Google's first page is like trying to make the 8-ball on the break. And let's be real- if you’re not on the first page of search results (or top half of the first page) you’re pretty much fooked.
I had almost given up with making money online.
One day I was in a FB group for dropshipping and some random dude messaged me.
He offered to sell me a course for half off.
I declined, and thought the convo was over…
But something made me ask him another question.
I asked him “does dropshipping really work?”
He was more than happy to answer and said one word that, little did I know, would change my life forever…
The word was drop servicing.
And more specifically, a guy by the name of Sean Anthony.
Sean guided me to this new world of email copy. He opened the gates and let me in. He introduced me to Ian Stanley, and the rest is history.
What's this got to do with you?
Sometimes all it takes is one more question. One more word. One more opportunity to find your way.
What if I had never asked that random dude the question?
Who knows. Maybe I’d still be where I’m at. Maybe it would have taken longer. Maybe it wouldn't have happened.
But the lesson is clear.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions and open up new doors. Because sometimes what's behind the last door is exactly what you're looking for.
Okay enough cliche shiz.
That’s my story. I hope it helps you with where you’re trying to go.
And just as many doors as you can.
Bleeding heart rant over. Peace.