Sweet pic huh? Everyone likes pictures of money, financial freedom, and dolla dolla bills from your nearest strip club.
Ok let's keep this pg from here on out.
Financial service businesses always have three things in common...
1) Super formal and classy looking websites (good thing)
2) A long list of deliverables and practices that make them stand out from the other guys (good thing)
3) Non-existent email marketing game (not a good thing)
It's my belief that many people are starved of good financial information. Sure, you've got Jim Cramer on CNBC, or Squawk Box, or Dave Ramsey, or even Shark Tank...but let's be real. Those are all television productions first and foremost...not dialed in financial advice. Sure, they might know their NPV from their ROE, but they are there to entertain, not give you in depth analysis of the markets.
So why aren't financial services filling in this void with their email?
Beats me.
I'd like to help them out.
That's why I wrote this for a financial services business. They didn't respond and that's okay. I had a lot of fun.
Sub line: You'll never believe what he said about his money...
One of my friends doesn’t know a thing about money.
The other day I asked him what he was doing to protect himself against the impending economic downturn.
He shrugged at me and said, “I’ll deal with that storm when it comes.”
The thing is…
By that time it’s far too late.
And that’s why I want to congratulate you on making such an intelligent decision.
What decision you ask?
Why your decision to sign up for {Business name} newsletter.
Unlike my friend, you see the storm brewing- and you want to act before the torrential destruction.
My name is {Financial Advisor} and I’m a financial advisor at {Business name}.
And I want to say thank you for giving us the pleasure of staying in touch.
As promised, you’ll be receiving weekly emails from me answering some of the most important questions you have for yours and your family’s financial safety.
Things like:
Am I ready for retirement?
What are the best asset classes to best maximize my returns?
How can I rebalance my portfolio?
I’m looking for growth, what are my best options?
What does the recent economic stimulus mean for my retirement?
If something were to happen to me would my family be safe financially?
If you take an active role in your family's financial well being then you’ll want to stick around.
If you believe you have it all under control then feel free to unsubscribe.
But with the stock market setting record highs... meanwhile our GDP continues to plummet…
And it seems like nobody has a clue what’s going on.
Lucky for you that’s all we do here at {Business name}.
We stay up to date and well read on all the happenings of the market.
Like how another round of government stimulus is likely, and how it affects your retirement (but that's for next email).
Or how U.S. sovereign debt just eclipsed $27 trillion...let me say that again…$27 TRILLION DOLLARS.
You can’t just sweep that under the rug.
Yet other financial advisory firms don’t tell you these things. They tell you the same old story...“invest in high grade T-bills and U.S. treasuries…”
But this ain’t the bull market of the 1950’s Chester…
The year is 2020 and {Business name} is here to help guide you to a brighter financial future.
Before we do that (highly important) task.
Can I ask you a favor?
Can you reply back to this email?
Just say hey or hi...anything works.
It’s just so these emails have better deliverability.
It really helps us get into your inbox.
I really appreciate it.
That’s about all for now.
Until next time when I talk to you about government stimulus and how it affects your hard earned investments.
Talk soon.
{First name} “sees the storm comin’ {Last name}